It’s late at night. You glance around to see a few lights, but mostly trees and darkness. You take a deep breath and smile slightly – – the air is clean here. Everything seems so foreign from the hustle and lights of the city, the smell of exhaust and trash. Everything seems peaceful here at the campground. Everything seems right. In 2011, 42.5 million people went camping, up from 40 million in 2010 – – and it’s no wonder why.
Unplug from the City, Reconnect with Nature
If you’re a nature lover, but live in a city, you realize how frustrating city life can be. The concrete jungle is nothing compared to lush forest and the many shades of green one can find while camping. Imagine being able to unplug from the city lights, noise, and smells while enjoying the secluded local campgrounds. You’ll meet people who are on the same page as you and others who live permanently at the campground. Making friends can greatly improve your chances of learning just what ivies are poisonous so when you’re tent camping you can avoid the nasties on your midnight woods bathroom run!
Prefer Home Amenities? Rent a Cabin
If pitching a tent and relieving yourself in the woods is not your idea of fun, don’t worry! Many campsites offer rental cabins for your family camping trip. Burning fresh chopped wood in a fireplace while indoors during an autumn camping trip will keep you much warmer than if you stayed out in the elements. Another perk – – these rustic cabins will also keep out any bugs and critters from getting into your food supply. Now while you gaze at the fireflies emerging and dancing, you won’t have to worry about a raccoon running off with your can of processed meat!
RV Camping
If you decide you truly enjoy unwinding in seclusion, you may want to invest in an RV. With all the comforts of home, you won’t feel out of place or uncomfortable on your next camping adventure. With styles ranging from tiny little towable pop-ups to large 50 feet long motorized vehicles, there’s bound to be something for you.
Are you excited and ready to relax in seclusion? Finding a campsite is easy; just look at your state’s online campground directory to find a place that speaks to you. Also, remember to always bring emergency supplies and a first aid kit – – anything can happen while enjoying the most popular camp activity, hiking. And for goodness sakes, leave your technology at home!