Are you planning on traveling for the holiday, for business? If so, then more likely than not you’ll need to find a way to differentiate between the best hotels your location has to offer and those that are less than amazing. If you’re heading abroad on vacation, then this article is for you.
Consider, if you’re traveling to the United Kingdom, you will have over 20,000 bed and breakfasts, hotels, and guest houses to choose from. Naturally, your hotel search will bring you to budget hotels, luxury lodging, and other choices. Knowing what to choose out of your seemingly limitless options can be a lengthy, frustrating experience, especially when the only difference between hotels seems to be their prices. If you have upcoming business trips to the Big Smoke, or you simply want to get away for a while, here are three ways to find the best hotels, wherever you’re going.
Location, Location, Location
Whether for European vacations or business trips, finding a hotel with great location can be the key to experiencing all there is at your destination. However, the location of your hotel could also save or cost you money. According to TripAdvisor, having to overuse public transportation, taxis, subways, and the like, can easily add hundreds to your vacation bill. If you’re going to London, for example, try finding hotels near St Pancras or other popular spots to cut down on your transport costs.
Amenities That You’ll Actually Use
One of the best ways to find the best hotels on a budget is to find those offering amenities that you’ll actually use. For example, according to USA Today, if you’re choosing between a four and a five star hotel, chances are you’ll be fine with the four star. Take the rooms, for example. In a five star hotel, you’ll be treated to everything luxurious; fresh flowers, glass drinking ware, stereo systems, and around-the- clock concierge service. With four star rooms, you will still have access to luxury but with some of the frivolity out of the way. If you think you’re going to be out enjoying your vacation destination enough, why waste what could be at least $100 more a night, according to Travelocity, on a room you’re not going to spend much time in?
Attentive, Knowledgeable Staff
As American Express Open Forum suggests, all of the best hotels have knowledgeable, attentive, and friendly staff that can help you with all of your needs. Whether you need an early wake up call or a great recommendation for a local restaurant or attraction, the best hotels’ employees will be able to meet your requests.
Finding the best hotels shouldn’t simply be about their cost or the needless amenities they try to shower you with. To find the best hotels for your trip to London, or anywhere else, look for those with great location, useful amenities, and knowledgeable employees. Doing so, you help ensure a wonderful trip.
Find out more at this site.
Location is the one thing I look for when I hotel shop.