The Aircraft Interiors Expo 2016 is set to occur from April 5 through April 7 in Hamburg. At the event, visitors can expect to learn about current priority issues the industry is facing as well as experience the newest trends in interior design ideas. The Aircraft Interiors Expo is a place for industry professionals to network and garner new ideas for improvements to their own fleet.
Flying remains a major industry in the U.S. Over 8 million people fly each day. The total number of passengers flying surpassed 3 billion for the first time in 2013. In dollars, that represents direct spending of $2.5 billion a day in the U.S. alone. That’s $105.8 million dollars every hour or $1.8 million every minute spent by resident and international travelers in the U.S. As much as $29,398 are spent every 60 seconds by travelers in the U.S.
To claim the largest possible share of this revenue, airlines are competing across multiple arenas. From cost to reliability to in flight comfort and amenities, the goal is to be the best in the industry. In 2014, the best for in-flight entertainment with a score of 4.48 out of five, was Emirates, according to worldwide reviews on eDreams. Commercial airline professionals will be on the look out for new ways to surpass the competition at the aircraft interiors expo in Hamburg this year. In preparation for the Aircraft Interiors Expo event, here are three points key areas to focus your attention:
- Passengers need to stay connected
It’s no surprise in the digital age that having their smart device with them is an increasing requirement for travelers. TripAdvisor’s conducted a survey of Air Travel in 2013 and found that 37% of passengers would classify an iPad or tablet as a carry-on essential. That’s an increase of 5% from the year previous. The use of smartphones to receive flight status updates is growing even faster, at a 10% increase from 2012 to 2013. In 2013, 56% of passengers were using smartphones to receive flight status alerts. For airlines, this means their interiors need to be increasingly mobile- and smart device friendly. Additions to in flight entertainment systems such as in-seat power outlets and ways to leverage smartphones to stay connected should be points of interest at this year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo. - WiFi pays
In the same TripAdvisor’s survey, a quarter of respondents indicated they would choose one airline over another based on if it offered WiFi. As many as two-thirds of respondents to a survey by Honeywell in 2014 said WiFi was a factor in their decision-making process. Almost a quarter would pay more for a flight which offered WiFi versus one which did not.
Not only are passengers increasingly demanding wireless access in-flight, but they’re also looking for faster and more reliable access. According to the Honeywell survey, many travelers will subject themselves to a good deal if it means they’ll receive more reliable WiFi during their flight. As many as 45% said they would go as far as to endure the TSA security check twice for reliable WiFi; almost 30% would be willing to switch to a stand-by ticket if the stand-by flight had WiFi as fast as that they use at home. - Movies still reign supreme
The vast majority of passengers prefer to watch movies while in flight. When given the choice, 41% will opt for a movie, while 21% say they prefer to read, and 17% plan to simply sleep through to their destination. Having a wide and current movie selection is key to customer satisfaction. No matter how new the movies offered are, however, if the screens they play on are outdated or in poor shape, your in flight entertainment selection will do you no favors.
The aircraft interiors expo is sure to display the newest in in flight entertainment system technology. Keep a special eye out for the new ife monitors coming out to keep passengers satisfied and engaged.
To help your airline rise above the rest, while touring the array of global aircraft interiors on display at the 2016 Aircraft Interiors Expo, keep an eye out for new ideas around staying connected, faster in flight wifi, and upgrading in flight entertainment systems.